Sunday, 10 September 2017

2. An Essay on: Peace

I would begin this essay with very famous words said by Mother Teresa. Once she said, “Peace begins with a smile. Smile five times a day at someone you really don’t want to smile at; do it for peace”. It is true that love and compassion comes rushing to one person once he smiles. One can reduce the level of hatred he has towards the other person by smiling. Once you smile at a person, it results in the other person smiling back at you.
Everyone likes to live in a world of peace. I think this is important because it is very nice and can keep you away from drama. My parents have taught me many things about being peaceful, especially at school. They taught me to be respectful at all times and to walk away from drama and to never get involved in it. This is very important because getting into drama will make us a witness or the one who may be blamed when there is a problem.
Peace is also important because being rude or harmful for no reason at all is not being peaceful. This happens at school a lot mostly outside, but my friends and I just walk away. My mom tells me this is the right thing to do. She tells me that to be peaceful it is important for everyone to get along within the community and at school. She also told me to never join a fight between other people, she tells me when this happens go tell a teacher. This can help stop the violence in our school. All the people I know in my family tell me to never hang out with the wrong group of people because they may be the ones to get me in trouble.
My parents have also taught me to make friends from other cultures because they may look different from the outside, but inside they might be really nice and kind.  If we respect each other’s cultures, we can all live in peace and harmony.
This year, I have more friends who are from different cultures.  I enjoy playing with them and learning about their cultures. It helps me understand their opinion; experience, and culture.  Now, I have noticed that I am much more accepting of other people and also more open-minded to their point of view.
Whenever I have a problem with one of my classmates, I control my tone of voice and I explain it to them in   nonviolent way.  If they are still rude, I speak to them in a strong and polite way.
“I am sorry.” “I love you.” “I forgive you.” In my eyes, peace is not just a word that can describe something or someone. They are the statements said above. Peace is the little things people do every day. There may be many different definitions of peace, but the most important one to me is the one my mother has taught me. My mother has always said that God tells us to forgive each other, give to others, and love each other. I think that if every single person on this planet lived by these three simple rules, and said those three simple statements   every day, the world might be ready to move onto the bigger acts of kindness such as stopping wars or lowering crime rates.
I think people should remember lessons that we have learned from previous wars, wise leaders and from our own experiences.  These lessons have taught us to be more respectful to each other and to discuss problems instead of fighting about it.  If people follow these rules, the word would be a very peaceful place.
 The Earth is a beautiful planet and the people on the face of the earth are beautiful as well. My mother has made a big difference in my life when she taught me the word of God. God wants us to follow those three simple rules, forgive each other, give to others, and love each other. We cannot wait for someone like Mother Teresa or Mahatma Gandhi to jump-start the spreading of peace. People like us can do that in the little words and statements we say every day. My mother has really given me the biggest influence in my life to making peace. She has taught me to always follow what God wants you to do. We may already have our future in our minds, but we cannot attain that future until we can learn to forgive, give, and love everyone. Only when our hearts are open for giving forgiveness and love can God tell us what we are meant to do on this planet. Only then are we ready to really bring peace to the world.
Name- Abhishek  Vishnoi
Class- 10
Session 2017-18

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