Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Bholi (A Short Story)

Once there was a girl named Sulekha. Everyone used to call her Bholi as she remained a backward child because of an injury she got in her brain by felling down from the cot in her childhood. She also had an attack of small pox. Due to these reasons, nobody cared for her. Later, a primary school was opened in her village; and the Tehsildar told Bholi’s father, Ramlal to send her daughters to school. Ramlal chose Bholi among his daughters and sent her to school.

In school, children used to make fun of her as she could not speak clearly as she used to stammer while speaking. But her teacher supported her and motivated her. Few years later, at the time of Bholi’s wedding, her bridegroom asked for dowry from her father. At this, Bholi herself refused to marry him and decided to serve her parents by teaching in the school in which she had studied. At that time, her teacher was also present there who felt very satisfied on seeing the completion of her masterpiece “Sulekha”.


(Original Author: KA Abbas)

Story Retold by:

Mahak Verma, Class 10

Session 2020-21



Thursday, 28 January 2021

The Thief’s Story (A Short Story)

Once, a young boy went to Anil to cheat him. The boy was an experienced thief and had taken up an assumed name Harry. With his cunning mind and innocent smile, Harry managed to get job from Anil. Anil trusted him a lot. He also used to teach Harry alphabet and words since the latter was illiterate. Anil was a kind master. One day, Anil brought a bundle of notes and kept it under his mattress. Harry planned to steal it ;and at night, he slipped his hand under the mattress and took the bundle of notes. He fled from the house to catch the train. On the way, it was raining. He reached the station but didn’t get into the train. His conscience forbade him. His mind changed. He returned home and kept the bundle back. Next morning, Anil gifted a note of fifty rupees to Harry. It was wet because of the rain. Anil had understood the whole matter. Anil told Harry to get ready since he was going to teach him sentences that day. Harry smiled, but this time, pure-heartedly, for Anil had forgiven him.

(Original Author: Ruskin Bond)

Story Retold by:
Anjali Joshi, Class 10
Session: 2020-21

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Paintings, Feb 2020

Name: Suresh Kumar
Roll no. 352
Class 10
Session 2019-20

Sunday, 10 September 2017

3. An Essay on: Peace

                        Once upon a time there was a king named Vikram Pratap Singh. He was kind hearted and caring his kingdom’s people. He wanted the kingdom’s people to be happy. He asked many saints and astrologers how to keep his people of the kingdom happy. One of the saints named Haritmuni advised that if he wanted to get answer of his question he should do meditation.
                        The king went to Himalayas for meditation. After many years, a saint wearing white clothes appeared while he was meditating. The saint said in a low voice, ‘Vikram’. The king opened his eyes. He asked his question to the saint. The saint replied, ‘For getting your question’s answer you must like reading books’. He went back to his kingdom and started reading books. After reading many books, he read a saying that ‘Peace is the Reason for Happiness’. He understood that only peace can only bring happiness in his kingdom.
                        Now, for making his kingdom feel happy, he must know, “What is peace?” .He held a meeting in his palace with his courtiers, for understanding the meaning of peace. His courtiers gave different opinion about peace. But the king was not satisfied with any of the answers.
                        After some days, he decided to go to a jungle to meet a hermit for getting his doubt clarified. He left his horse and guards back, and went alone in the jungle to meet the hermit. When he reached the hermit, the hermit was ploughing a field. After some time king asked his question to hermit. But the hermit continued his work and did not reply.
                        After sometime when hermit completed his work the king again asked in a pleased way ‘What does the term peace really mean?’ For explaining the king about peace the hermit made two paintings of peace and asked the king to choose one of them, which indicates peace.
                        One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful towering mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky full of white clouds in it. The other picture had mountains too. But these were rugged and bare. Above was an angry sky, from which rain fell and in which lightening played. Downside of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall.
                        The king said “The first picture is peaceful but the second is not at all peaceful. But the hermit said “The second picture indicates the peace”. “Why” the king said. “Look properly!” the hermit said. The king looked closely, he saw behind the waterfall, a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had built her nest. There, in the midst of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest in perfect peace.
                        The hermit explained why he selected second picture “Because peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace.”
                        The king understood the meaning of peace. He went back to his kingdom and explained to its people of kingdom that if you have peace you can get happiness all around you. After that people of the kingdom lived in harmony and with happiness; and the king also become happy after seeing his people of kingdom happy.
                        In the real sense, the saint Haritmuni and the hermit were the same person and they were the forms of God. God was impressed by the king’s devotion and came in different forms to the king.    
Name: Kishan Singh
Class 10
Session 2017-18